Thursday, July 26

music at rumors... gainesville and newyork stop by to chill hard

another wonderful night in richmond.. vodka and champagne in big gulp cups.. gainesville and new york bands vegan chinese buffet and a lot of people who made my store smell like shit.. thank you richmond.. you never let me down..



i guess some bands played

article in Belle Magazine casey and i have downsyndrome


some pictures from the relish fashion show

Relsih 157Relsih 65Relsih 143Relsih 142

Monday, July 23

Super Stylish World Known Cyclist Katie wearing super sexy slip dress by pretty trashy $58.00 size small....

Katie leave us with words of wisdom " Lie, Deny, Forget"... thanks katie i will take that one to heart


This little richboys party never stops.. from avante garde parties to making a scene at Godfreys this mans life if a neverending coctail. Jerbear leaves us with this " I can go gay to straight in 2 seconds don't test me"


Friday, July 20

lurkers in rumors...

creepy dude who came in the store today who wouldnt leave.... also known as one of my best friends jonathan.. check out those sweet dudz

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Thursday, July 19


Its not everyday a local celebrity walks into your store... but today George The Body Barry graced our presence with his sharp wit and his big gulp......


the rumors george left us with was......

"I heard that jay from brainworms masturbates in the bathroom at his job on a regular basis"

Wednesday, July 18

crazy girls are cool girls toooooo.. .

so owning a store is interesting there are lots of sweet things about it like closing your store mid day and going thrift store shopping and swimming... watching around 5 movies a day is also sweet..playing online and ordering some of the sickest sweetest clothing on the earth.. also making posters is pretty fun.. and drinking sparks.. and making mixtapes and cd's... having dudes bring us stuff. people stopping by and spreading gossip ahh this is the life

for the first time the other day Casey and I saw people wearing things from our store.. we got SUPER STOKED....... and i was harrasing some girl on a moped trying to get her to stop so i could take a picture of her wearing one of our cardboard robot shirts.. she didnt stop i looked crazy.. as ... usual. Its weird the store has been open for a little over a month and I can't imagine it not existing in my life. life rules.... best friends day is soon approaching and case-dog and i will be in belgium drinking cara, eating pancakes and making out with hot dudes and dudettes..

get paid get laid... new motto... cant stop wont stop

new items from ok47 and county prize




top by County Prize original (go vegan) $38 Skirt by ok47 $59.00 Necklace by Day-lab $17.00

last night is kind of a blur.... TUESDAY IS THE NEW FRIDAY

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so after a long grueling day at the shop casey, jenny and myself kick back and reminise over the past distractions of our long weekends. Jenny was in NY, Casey was at camp and I was in bed drinking wine, sparks, champagne, and eating icecream .

poppin that sangria

jenny in ecstar

then the next thing i remember is dancing

how many beers did i have...

and then laying on the ground in the alley waiting for a taxi with diana...
diana kamongi and marshe

it was a good night

Monday, July 16


Its not everyday a local celebrity walks into your store... but today George The Body Barry graced our presence with his sharp wit and his big gulp......


the rumors george left us with was......

"I heard that jay from brainworms masturbates in the bathroom at his job on a regular basis"

Friday, July 13

New Items for Wowch....

we love the wowch boys.. but the wowch boys don't love us.. its okay.,,,, we will get them drunk and we will take their virginity. give me that shit


Thursday, July 12

belly dancing move that shit gurllllll

Belly Dancing Thursday nights. give me some gold dangly bracelets a tall boy of pbr and im fucking set.... who knew a beer belly could be so damn sexy...


Friday, July 6


so im having another birthday party.. because i deserve atleast two weeks of getting psycho... so come out and dance until you bleed and then die... get buried and then rise like a phoenix and be reborn a pair of my shoes and then be danced in until you fucking fall apart...

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