provides Richmond with work by up and coming indie designers, artists, and musicians.
Thursday, July 19
Its not everyday a local celebrity walks into your store... but today George The Body Barry graced our presence with his sharp wit and his big gulp......
the rumors george left us with was......
"I heard that jay from brainworms masturbates in the bathroom at his job on a regular basis" 804.726.9944 Open Monday - Sunday from 11 to 8
designers & artists
fashion, inspiration, music & style - handpicked locally, across the country & internationally
Amy Shutt Alex & Chloe Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction B Blacktooth By the Beard of Zeus Cardboard Robot CTRL County Prize Dave Dennis Death Traitor Digby & Iona Evil Genius Ecstar Freak La Notte Fremont Heroine It's Our Thing Little Ghost Designs L.A Made MoonblooD More Than A Friend Nice.Face OK 47 Opulent Oddities Pharmacy Pretty Trashy Pretty Raccoon Prairre Underground Redemption Department Slow.Moving.Vehicle Schwipe Sailor Jerry Steven Alan Steve Rosswick Tymbal Wowch
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