we arrived in new york city for our first official business trip. We met up with Maya, Casey's grade school best friend. We get off the bus. run around the streets trying to grab a taxi at 7am... "casey we have to cross the street to get a cab".. "marshe you dont know what you are talking about we need to go down that other street".
We get to Maya's insanely cute and incredibly tiny single apartment on the lower east side. I slightly remember my head hitting the pillow.
A few hours past and Casey and I are putting on our cowboy boots and our "trying to look semi rich and stylish" outfits
We decided that taking taxi's are what business women do so we grabbed one and headed towards our first showroom to view Sunshine and Shadows. We were very nervous walking in and ended up viewing the wrong line. Fortunetley it was Steven Allen and we quickly fell in love with the flattering loose cuts and the plaid, gingham and striped patterns. We went way way way over our budget. But who cares we are in new york. a couple thousand dollars later we were heading towards the store IHEART to view a line called Wowch that is designed by two guys who are frighteningly similar to casey and myself on the crazy level. We got lost horribly for atleast 20 minutes and then we saw the NEON sign from across the street and climbed down the stairs and enter the world of IHEART. IHEART is an amazing boutique. We suprisingly carry an large amount of the same lines, and the store is also owned by two female best friends. I believe the main owner showed us the Wowch line. She was really nice and we ofcourse ended up ordering everything... we left
overpriced sushi and a few cheap beers later we are on our way to meet up with Digby%Iona
by the way the designer is sick hot... and he is sick hott... sick hottttttt... but back to business... we order some amazing jewelry that we know is way out of our price range but again.. who gives a fuck....
grab a taxi and we are back at mayas house on our way to Cubana an amazing cuban restaurant. And the best part is byob.. thats right bring your own a million bottles of wine which we did... And we drank and we drank and we drank and we ate... and then around 2am we realized we were drunk and it was a perfect time to call one of our labels to see what they were up to.
marshe and casey: i hope you guys are ready to party
Alex: its 2 am
marshe: yeah casey and i are ready to drink you under the table.. we want 49 pbrs a bottle of jameson a bottle of vodka.. rootbeer floats.. WE ARE READY TO RAGE..
Alex: you girls are crazy
Casey: whats your address asshole
Alex: (gives address)
marshe and casey: (grabs new insane jersey dresses and a taxi)
a taxi nap and 20 minutes later we arrive in brooklyn god knows where....
we stumble upstairs... completely out of control lots of yelling and us confusing Alex of thinking we had rich parents... more yelling... more shots... casey passes out in the corner in high heels and a cheetah dress and i demand comfy pants and keep telling alex we are going to cancel our order if he doesnt give us what we want. The death traitor boys and friends are by far the best people I have ever met in NY... also sorry about drinking all that peach whatever it was. we love you and we will be friends forever. or until you hate us along with everyone else...
"we might have to punch each other in the face to fall asleep"
"if marshe' doesnt eat she will die"
" this may be the worst day of my life"
"if you are a dead beat dad i will push you off of this bed right now"
" is it okay if we drink your rum.. (pause)... (no response)... its okay..."
" oh you teach at vcu.. we own a store on campus... "yes i know you are loud"
it was a good weekend......
we caught the bus home around 5pm... we drank 4 sparks each and were forced to watch 7 hours of horrible horrible Chinese sitcoms.. they didnt make any sense.. seriously none... it was so fucking stupid... really.. it was so bad.. so so so so so so bad.. so bad... so bad.. so bad... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh sparks.. oh blue sparks....
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