Tomorrow morning Casey Rumors and Marshe Rumors will be heading to Mexico City to explore the fashion world of Mexico. Mexico is by far my favorite place in the world. Playa del Carmen, Palenque and Chiapas changed my life exactly a year ago. I gave the land a piece of my heart and I can't wait to go back and claim it. From my heavy very detailed research of the region. It looks like Casey's trip will go like this. A city with three times the population on New York City and a energy that flows throughout the land. As the Euro rises and the dollar falls. We pack our bikini's and our pesos and dream of a beach with bright blue water and crowded streets.
it only gets better
i think we will be having a very good time
"Mexico City's all mixed up," says Rafa Cuevas, who, with Roberto Sanchez, created Mexican design label Te Amo two and a half years ago. "You can be in the most fancy neighborhood and just around the corner is a [poor] neghborhood and just around the corner [from that] is bam, bam, fifties, fifties, futuristic, art-deco." And, of course, the earthquake-bombed. Before these peculiar positionings existed, the city's European architects designed a city of homestyle provenance, and the indigenous population, Quetzal Rangel of fellow design partnership Marvin y Quetzal tells me, interpreted and built upon their plans, creating a distinctly Mexican milieu of imposed and inherited influences that persists and explains, in part, the position from which Te Amo and a handful of their local contemporaries stage their eager sally upon the world.
A few years ago, such a movement lay beyond the reach, and in fact the consideration, of most Mexicans. But just as filmmakers, artists, architects, and musicians have risen, over the past several years, from Mexico's growing middle class to create potent and internationally recognized work, and as urban youth in New York and Los Angeles, Paris, London, and Montreal turn envious eyes and take optimistic grabs at international opportunity here (compare it to Berlin just ten years ago), Mexico City's fashion forward have eagerly taken ownership of a ripe and virulent identity fresh to the outside world and have seized the tools of internet-age populist scene-building such as myspace, Facebook, and the like. As well they have tuned into websites like The Face Hunter (Mexico City has its own--Diario de Fiestas), which have allowed the fashion élite to share their ideas on a worldwide scope, and monthly European, American, and Japanese magazines that just can't put forth enough online fashion content to feed the hungry.
stolen from (
another business trip for the globe trotters. Casey will be reporting back one week from now... LIfe is good...
images stolen from (Mexico city dance parties)
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