So Saturday night started out like every Saturday should. We closed the store at 6pm and Marty our current favorite person in the world and new best friend picked us up in a dirty red pick up truck and took us the the pbr competition. And no PBR does not stand for pabst blue ribbon is stands for PROFESSIONAL BULL RIDING.
Yes boys and girls kick off your dirty sneaks and put on a pair of cowboys boots.. Take off that bright shirt and slip your arms into a plaid fitted shirt. But dont worry you can keep on your super tight Cheap Monday jeans as long as you have a huge belt buckle adorning them. Tonight is going to blow your mind. Marty is a baller and we are fine ladies so we of course had v.i.p seating. v.i.p seating is close enough that you cringe every time a rider flew from a bull but far enough away to not have to smell bull shit.
So the event begins. Fireworks. Fireworks. Loud Cheering. The riders come out we all say a prayer. I find myself wondering what hotel all the cowboys are staying at. The event is amazing. I am full of fear and excitement. These are true athletes risking their lives for the sole purpose of entertainment. These men make every other athlete look so weak. They are getting speared by bulls.. Live bulls that weigh a ton. A TON. It was quite the show. I had a wonderful wonderful wonderful time. Thank you so much Marty and thank you so much to the pbr riders. I am hooked for life. there was even a child sheep riding portion of the show. And the most adorable little girl won.
I see a star in the rising
more stylish with age. Classic prints never age
young, flirty and fun. The perfect outfit. dirty denim shorts, A tall can of beer, hair worn loose, Cowboy inspired shirt and an old pair of worn cowboy boots. you my friend are a 10
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