Saturday, July 18

recession is near shop local. the decline of western civilization

When I was a young girl I dreamed of one day making it in the big world. One day I would find my niche and I would open up my own business. Be my own boss.

So I moved to this enchanted place called Richmond Virginia where the streets were still made of cobblestone and I could walk into a bar where everyone knew my name. I could spend a restless Sunday going into independent shops in carytown then catch brunch at a mom and pops little diner. Those days are becoming few and far between. With the economy spanking America the way it is. I watch my favorite bars, shops, galleries and restaurants put up their going out of business signs.

I've always had so much pride for the fan district keeping out major business. But how long will it be before there is a taco bell on campus. When will a H&M or Forever21 move across the street from my boutique. When will Ikea and Walmart open up on VCU campus. And when will Fridays and Olive Garden put all of our diners out of business. These are the days approaching. We are IN A RECESSION. why isn't anyone talking about it. Have you noticed how impossible it is to find a job. Have you noticed how high unemployment is. Do you realize how high gas is. This is a reality. Why is it not on the covers of all the newspapers. How can people care so much about what is happening in the rest of the world and care so little about what is happening in their own home. RECESSION is not near it is here.


Casey and I work over 80 hours a week to keep our store open. And we are proud of it. We have amazing customers who refuse to let us do bad. So thank you so much. But time is ticking and lots of people need help. Supplement 4 things you do a week with independent business. It may be a little less convenient but you know where your money is going. And its right back into the city. Here are some suggestions.

CHOP SUEY BOOKS over Barnes and nobles

CROSSROADS COFFEE or ROSTOVS over Starbucks (and if you go to Starbucks you should know better)

PLAN 9 or Rumors records over Amazon (that is right there are no more record shops in Richmond... because everyone stopped going to record shops a long time ago)

Hospitality, EuroTrash, Henry, Ftwrks, Need, Rumors over Forever 21, American Apparel, H&M and urban outfitters

821 cafe over fast food

Strawberry st cafe, Nicks, Ellwoods or the Farmers Market over Ukrops and Kroger

House of Lukaya over 10,000 villages.

Fan Video over netflix and blockbuster

It would be that simple to save Richmond Small business. Even when it comes to buying gas. Stop going to 7-11!!!! that money does not go back into the city. It doesn't. Its that clear. And its really that simple. Just wait until it hits you.

goodbye, nonesuch, acacia,bogarts,jumpin j's, Ukrops,Movie Gallery, Good-bye art supply store on broad. Nancy Raygun, Poesis, Le Petite France and the list goes on and on.....


"The economy is getting worse, according to 79 percent of small-business owners polled in the survey. That's up from 71 percent last month and reverses a previous decline. Even more worrisome is that while the number of businesses experiencing cash-flow problems had also fallen in May, it has increased now, from 39 percent to 42 percent."

"This country needs and will hit rock bottom in the near future and then we will open our eyes to bringing back manufacturing and a sense of pride and patriotism to the country that was founded by our relatives.

Importing, Immigration, Job creation, Health care and rising prices for fuel, groceries and health costs are key concerns for our politicians and society to take a very serious look at in the very near future.

Matthew Bandyk from

I AM SO ANGRY AND I AM 24. why isnt anyone else angry..... why isnt anyone angry.

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