Monday, November 24

New clothing line by a Richmond Resident

So we have a new local designer at Rumors Boutique you may know her as one of the original boulevard house kids or a member from Aractopussy or you may know her as one of the foxy red head twins that we have used in our photos over the past year but now you will know her as the lady that makes dresses and tops that represent the Richmond Woman in all of us. Jojo's line is called Altered Beast.

Where are you from and how long have you been living in Richmond?

I am from Santa Fe New Mexico. I have lived in Richmond for 4 years. I had been living on the East Coast for five years in D.C and it seemed so cold and deliberate. I came to Richmond and it seemed different. It was really sunny, not the weather but the people. Richmond was young and creative and exciting.

Why did you start making clothing?

I really love you and Casey and I wanted to do something to support Rumors. I also wanted to join the creative young women in Richmond Movement.

Why did you name your clothing line altered beast?

None of the pieces are 100 percent from scratch, all the material is recycled from vintage clothing or from thrift shop items . It is also a name of a video game and I am a nerd

Have you thought about expanding your women's line? I have thought about producing a lot more of everything in general. Since the winter is soon approaching I am sure I will have a lot more time to spend sewing and designing. I want to add some skirts and more detailed tops and dresses.

Do you have any thoughts about doing a line of mens dress shirts? Man I didn't even think about that. That is a great idea. Boys in Richmond need some help in that department.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happen to you in the past year?

When I was in Belgium last summer I got off at the wrong train station and I was so lost. Some crazy guy tried to offer me a ride and I couldn't figure out the tram system and then I ended up taking a cab and the cab driver hit a person it was so insane. And then when I finally get home after hours and hours I'm locked out and I have to climb into a window on the second floor it was an insane day. I love Ghent Belgium.

Who is your favorite band in Richmond?
Catalyst but that's not really a fair question because my boyfriend is in the band. Lets see I love Antlers they are so good and Hot Lava is really amazing as well.

Tell me a funny story about elementary school? I've blocked out all those memories. But wait I do remember people making fun of me because I played with bugs. I love bugs. Bugs are my passion. I love them all equally and they are all equally fascinating.

What is your favorite Non Profit in Richmond? Books on Wheels hands down. I also love the bizarre market as well as Plant Zero.

Why should people purchase your designs? Because they are Original Pieces made with love. And if you are someone who seeks individuality then they are perfect for you.

Three Random facts about you? I love bugs, I am a nerd, I am in a all female girl band

the dresses are available for purchase top Altered Beast $44 bottom picture Altered Beast $44 neckerchief by Jett $18 flannel remastered shirt $38




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